

The Secret World

MMO friends watch out! This beautifully made trailer of The Secret World gives us reason to hope!

Hope for what you may ask..
Well, I like the idea of an urban everyday kind of setting where all the magic happens (literally).
Getting rid of the stereotypical medieval elements of fantasy gets us one step closer to it being a serious genre. And then... and then we may rule the world! :)


Chasing monsters

I am somewhat irritated by the fact that for my stories in general I have to decide on certain monster-species. These species seem to have clear characteristics and don't leave much room for interpretation. Take the story I posted: There's a demon in it. Now the origin of the word is greek and stands for a supernatural, malevolent spirit. But thanks to Pullman's Pantalaimon (and the movie) the word demon has gained the attribute of a being that is bound to a human.

I feel like I can't use the word demon unless it describes exactly the situation: being bound to someone by nature. But the demon I created is being bound by summoning. So it's not a demon then, right?